Questions about routing or bus times, contact Monarch Bus Service at:
Students traveling by parent/guardian transportation should arrive between 7:40 - 8:00 am. A staff person will be at the front door to greet all students. We ask for your cooperation and support in order to keep the front curb available for busses to drop off students. If you are picking up your child after school, please arrive when the school-day ends at 2:30 pm. The afternoon procedure is the same as the morning, leaving the front curb space available for loading busses.
If you need to come into the school at drop-off or pick-up time, please park in the school parking lot across the street from the entrance. For safety reasons during this heavy-traffic time please walk hand-in-hand with your child to and from the school building.
Bus transportation is provided to students in the greater twin cities as well as the surrounding suburbs. Depending on region and student population in each region, Bdote can add students to an existing route. All transportation is scheduled to arrive at Bdote Learning Center at 7:40am. The bus/van transportation time may change each year and is usually determined shortly before school starts. Families should receive information and schedules in the mail with morning pick-up and afternoon drop-off times at your child’s specific neighborhood stop.
In order for the ride on the bus and/or van to be both safe and pleasant for everyone (including the bus driver), students are expected to follow the school van and bus company rules. Students are expected to behave with the same consideration for others as we expect at school. This means that students are to remain in their seats except when exiting and entering, that they are not to annoy anyone either physically or verbally, and that they are to keep their voices at a conversational level. It also means that they must respond to the driver's directions quickly and cooperatively.
Every year school staff talk with the children about appropriate bus behavior and would appreciate the additional support of parents doing the same. If a child is having difficulty on the bus, please inform the school office and we will do what we can to correct the situation. High and consistent expectations on the part of the adults for courteous behavior by the children usually result in a low incidence of problems for our students on the bus.
Bdote Learning Center uses school owned vans to take kids on experiential and cultural education trips and events. Bdote Learning Center has school issued insurance and liability that covers student transportation in these vans for field trips. Every driver undergoes a vehicle drivers license background check that covers every state they have lived. Each driver is screened and added to school issued insurance before driving.
Other transportation concerns can be fielded to our Information Email Box or our Voice Mail Box and one of our Administrative staff will get back to you:
Authorized by Innovative Quality Schools
Luli Axhijaj (651) 234-0900