Birth Record is needed to verify legal guardianship. Other documents may be requested upon situation like: DOPA Form, Court Order, &/or Adoption Certificate. This is a state requirement.
Bdote Learning Center has a mandatory immunization policy to protect our community. This form is a state requirement.
It is mandatory to get students screened before entering Kindergarten. This helps us prepare and guide the student for success.
This form let's us know who to call in emergencies and other general information to properly place the student and communicate with families.
If students have allergies or predispositions, this helps keep the student safe and for the school to ensure proper training for staff in case of any health needs.
If you want free transportation this forms helps us decide if you are eligible. Without this form we cannot guarantee transportation for students.
Bdote Learning Center is an experiential and place based school that likes to go outside and do hands on projects. This is a general permission ship and photo release form.
Johnson O'Mally funds are for eligible American Indian students that have a grandparent enrolled, parent enrolled, or are enrolled themselves. These funds will help provide and aid student needs.
This form is required by the state for American Indian Education to verify a student and count them as part of the Indian Education Program.
In order to properly identify your family this form is required by the state.
To qualify for the free lunch program this form needs to be filled out and is required by the state.
Authorized by Innovative Quality Schools
Luli Axhijaj (651) 234-0900